
Darom Adom Festival

The brief was to choose an existing and familiar festival and re-brand it.


darom adom festival

The “Darom Adom” festival is an annual Israeli event which occurs in the southern part of Israel.


The festival revolves around the blossom of the Anemone, a common flower that grows in the area. Tourists from all around the country arrive between January and February to watch the magnificent blossom.

 south part of israel

The south part of Israel is extremely complex. The residents close to the Gaza border are living in constant fear for 20 years.


The terror organization “Hamas” launches rockets at the civilians at the area on and off depending on the political situation. When a rocket is potentially dangerous, the Red Alert signal goes off and alerts the civilians to run to a shelter.


Introducing the festival in a critical way on one hand, and leveraging the event for helping families from the south on the other.


The festival combines the harsh reality of red alerts and the unique beauty of the southern part of Israel.



The design choices were carefully made to keep the festival’s mood light and fun, yet, with a bit of criticism.

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This project was made during the second year of Visual Communication Design studies at HIT, with the guidance of Peddy Mergui.

@Carmel Levy, 2021